
Image Segmentation on Adaptive Sparse Grids
Benjamin Peherstorfer, Julius Adorf, Dirk Pflüger, Hans-Joachim Bungartz. In AI 2013: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, S. Cranefield and A. Nayak, Eds. Springer, 2013, pp. 160-165. [doi]


Motion Segmentation of RGB-D Videos via Trajectory Clustering
supervised by Miroslav Kobetski
Volume rendering on stereo display with virtual object manipulation
with Daniel Berglund and Oleg Kravchuk; supervised by Mario Romero
Local learning clustering of crash simulation data
supervised by Benjamin Peherstorfer and Josephine Sullivan
Nonlinear clustering on sparse grids
supervised by Benjamin Peherstorfer
Spectral clustering through weighted kernel PCA
supervised by Diana Mateus
Autonomous robot for 6DoF SLAM and object recognition
with Markus Grimm and Andreas Heider; supervised by Claus Lenz
Recognition of textured objects
supervised by Dejan Pangercic
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Minimax and alpha-beta search
supervised by Lars Kunze and Dominik Jain
Intel Threading Building Blocks
supervised by Michael Petter and Andrea Flexeder
Bluetooth letterbox with a micro-controller
with Marek Kubica and Hong-Khoan Quach

Julius Adorf

Google, Software Engineer
Master of Science,
Technische Universität München
Master of Science and Engineering,
KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Curriculum Vitae


I took courses in computer science, mathematics, electrical engineering, language, soft skill:     Full course list


jeadorf (at) gmail (dot) com

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